30th INEPS Congress
Leipzig and Dresden 2018 "Productive Learning - facilitating the transition to the world of work"
29th INEPS Congress
Burgas, Bulgaria 2017 "Productive Learning as a means to prevent early school leaving": (waiting material)
28th INEPS Congress
Tampere, Finland 2016
The activities of INEPS and the Administration Council
From May 2011 to May 2012
Documentation of the International Symposium in Berlin
4 th Nov 2011
- Opening of the Symposium by Heike Borkenhagen (IPLE)
- Conclusions to the Symposium by Ingrid Böhm (IPLE) and Jens Schneider (IPLE)
- Reader "Productive Learning and International School Development"
2007 - IPLE
The new professional understanding of oneself as a PL educator
16rd INEPS Congress
Vilafranca del Penedès 2004
23rd INEPS Congress
INEPS Youth Congresses - September 2000
Learnworkshop Hellersdorf, Berlin 2000