
30th INEPS Congress

Leipzig and Dresden 2018 "Productive Learning - facilitating the transition to the world of work"

29th INEPS Congress

Burgas, Bulgaria 2017 "Productive Learning as a means to prevent early school leaving": (waiting material)

28th INEPS Congress

Tampere, Finland 2016

26th INEPS Congress

Berlin, Germany 2014

INEPS Leaflet

The activities of INEPS and the Administration Council

From May 2011 to May 2012

Documentation of the International Symposium in Berlin

4 th Nov 2011

  • Opening of the Symposium by Heike Borkenhagen (IPLE)
  • Conclusions to the Symposium by Ingrid Böhm (IPLE) and Jens Schneider (IPLE)
  • Reader "Productive Learning and International School Development"

23rd INEPS Congress

20rd INEPS Congress

2007 - IPLE

The new professional understanding of oneself as a PL educator

16rd INEPS Congress

23rd INEPS Congress

INEPS Youth Congresses - September 2000